LiteCart Wiki Pages

This area is open for maintenance by the LiteCart community users themselves.

Installation and Upgrading

Get Started

Follow the step list for good things to do, and for you to get fully up and running.

Migrate To LiteCart

Move your current catalog data to LiteCart easy with Cart2Cart Shopping Cart migration.

See some examples how to redirect links from other platforms to LiteCart.

Build On LiteCart

Make sure you have a good understanding of LiteCart's platform model.

How To Guides

Upload your add-ons and modifications to our Add-on Store. Please see our guidelines How To Pack Your Add-ons.

Data Collections and Entities

This is an alphabetical list of different types of data objects or entities that you will come across when using the platform:

Attributes, Categories, Countries, Currencies, Customers, Delivery Statuses, Emails, Geo Zones, Languages, Manufacturers, Modules, Orders, Order Statuses, Pages, Products, Quantity Units, Slides, Sold Out Statuses, Suppliers, Tax Classes, Tax Rates, Translations, Users/Administrators.

Framework Components

An alphabetical list of terms and framework components that you can find in LiteCart. Each of them having a role.

Backend, Backend Apps, Backend Widgets, Breadcrumbs, Cache, Cart, CSV, Database, Document, Entities, Events, HTTP Client, Functions/Helpers, Frontend, Nodes, Notices, Pages/Controllers, Partials, Reference Model, Routing System, Session, Settings, SMTP Client, Stylesheets, Stats, Templates, Template Layouts, Template Views, vMod.




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