Custom page title and descriptions per template

Hello Tim,

I have 3 templates setup in my litecart,
what I want to achieve is setup 3 separate titles for login page.

Where do I place the following code?
document::$snippets['title'] = 'custom title here';
document::$snippets['description'] = 'custom description here';

I placed the above code in pages\ but it is affecting all layouts.

I placed the code in templates\mycatalog1.catalog\views\

In both instances overall site template title and description are displayed.

Please advise
It can be placed in the view but turn off cache as views are cached and will not remember variables set in them.

Or you can provide a switch statement:

switch (document::$template) {
  case 'one.catalog':
    document::$snippets['title'] = 'custom title here';
     document::$snippets['description'] = 'custom description here';
  case 'two.catalog':
    document::$snippets['title'] = 'custom title here';
     document::$snippets['description'] = 'custom description here';

Or you can insert a dynamic translation:

 document::$snippets['title'] = language::translate(document::$template . ':custom_title', 'custom title here');
 document::$snippets['description'] = language::translate(document::$template . ':custom_description', 'custom description here');

That is if document::$template is set before you run your conditions.
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