[SOLVED] How to translate text when there is a variable inside

I am struggling with translating a text in which a variable is inside. I am using sprint_f() for it:
$email = testemail@live.nl;
notices::add('success', language::translate('email_confirmation', sprintf('A link is sent to %s',$email)));

This is how it is stored in translations:
email_confirmation -> A link is sent to testemail@live.nl

I was expecting that the translations looked like:
A link is sent to %s
How can i achieve this?
you can try this:

$email = 'testemail@live.nl';
notices::add('success', sprintf(language::translate('email_confirmation', 'A link is sent to %s'),$email));
Found the correct one that works:
$email = $_POST['email'];
notices::add('success', sprintf(language::translate('email_confirmation_sent1', 'A link is sent to %s'),$email));
The translation function should be inside the sprint_f() function!
I like the use of strtr(). And even for inserting HTML.

echo strtr(language::translate('text_hello_user', 'Hello %user'), [
'%user' => '<span class="name">John</span>',