Can you fix so guests

can you fix so that guests can also put a star
yes is possible. I will make a new version based on storing ip-address. Then guests also have the possibility to rate without being logged in.
Great thanks whaiting on a new version
On the other hand, if the guests are allow to rate without being logged in this creates a space for spam. A lot of spam. 

Maybe it should stay as it is? It would be more useful this way for more shop owners. Or at least make a setting with option to choose from.
I agree with @dodo! It will be vulnerable for spamming. So i keep it this way but i will make a fix for people who want to allow non-logged-in users to rate.
@dodo quite right they missed yes keep them as they are.  but option so they can set for guests with would be a solution
So that the guests can vote, you can replace the 
$customer_id = customer::$data['id'];

code where they are with this
$customer_id = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

 so that only with the IP the vote is carried out without the need to register
Indeed, easy and simple solution for non logged in users: store IP instead of ID
But, already mentioned: it is more vulnerable for spamming
Maybe a guest post could be stored but not displayed until an admin approves it as being spam free.
Good idea @mmwfrank. All rates storing temp and awaiting moderation