2.1 adjust spelling on checkout / signup

I am not sure if this is an issue or a feature request, it's sort of a combination... but I'll just call it a feature request, please feel free to relocate if needed. 

On the checkout and registration pages, Litecart has a form to provide customer details. There are some minor text issues here that would be beneficial if they were corrected in the Litecart default.

Firstname and Lastname are each displayed as single words... In English, this would be better represented as First Name and Last Name. 

Postcode would be better represented as Postal Code or, in the USA, ZIP code.

These would also require adjustment in the error messages for form validation.

As an aside, not a huge requirement, but always sort of nice to have, is a password strength meter. Largely, though, my concern is simply in ensuring the users are represented text best way possible. 

Also, the error message on the checkout page appears way at the bottom. Basically, had to scroll down to discover there was an error in the input. This should go up on top, basically in the same location as the 'You are now logged in as' notification. 

The 'sign in' option from the checkout is also very obscure, if it had a button appearance, that would be useful. 

The sign in as a modal might not work quite so well in a mobile environment. 

Also, I might want to sign out in order to sign in with a different account, though that could be an edge use case.
I would also say 'Alternate Shipping Address' as opposed to 'Different'. And I am curious if this gets saved.
Thank you for correcting. English(-American) is not my maiden language. I have had ppl time by time looking through the grammar and choice of words but this never came up. You are right First Name and Last Name does are different from Surname, Username, Nickname which are all one word.

Changing the following:
Firstname => First Name
Last Name => Last Name
Postcode => Postal Code (As best recognied internationally - Feel free to rename the translation to ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan))
Tax ID => Tax ID / VATIN



Adding data-require-window-width="768" to sing in modal link so mobiles opens the link rather than a modal window.


Making a sidenote for a feature request password strength and a logout mechanism. I don't see this as a prioirty.

The bottom alert is at the bottom for technical reasons/limitations as the order is cooked and validated in the summary component.

I'm not sure what to do about "Alternate Shipping Address". Other variants could be "Alternative Shipping Address" considering the term as a noun rather than a verb. Or "Separate Shipping Adddress".
Those terms look fine. 
Not sure how to workaround that bottom alert and the summary component, perhaps a javascript / json solution is in order, or css styling could allow this to be re-positioned. To be user friendly, it does need higher visibility on the page, or could lead to abandoning of the cart out of frustration by users who lack patience. 
Excellent on the modal. Didn't even know that was possible.
Agreed that the strength meter and logout are not priority items on my end either. 
No big deal on 'Different' vs 'Alternative', it was largely a recommendation / passing thought from looking things over. 

One thing I am noticing here. I started from scratch when migrating from my prior build of the store, and now have gone through a bunch of little patches and edits, and integration of modules.
From glancing at the forums and from our interactions, obviously you are putting new code onto github. I am sure I am getting the patches that you are telling me about in responses, but I am not sure I am getting all of the patches because you are also in discussions with others in the forum. So there is a question as to how to ensure I am keeping my build up to date (and for others).  
There is a challenge here in terms of making sure the store is up to date, and not running into collisions where I am overwriting things I modify (which is not alot).

Obviously for a point release the effort is required and (probably) worth it. I will look over the github and try to see if there are other changes I have to backport, but open to information / recommendations on how you think that such things are best handled downstream.
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