Account login adjustments

The order history and edit account page are in the left column when logged in. LiteCart redirects to the last page you were on.
ok. I had made a minor adjustment to the theme to hide the login form by removing the <!-- snippet --> because it was on every page, so, that explains why I don't see this. I will put it back in so I can check it out. If I read correctly it looks like there will be more flexibility in that left column widget in version 2. 

I would much rather use that space for additional navigation or promotion and would hope that login is handled like it is in the screenshots in this thread, or, how it appears in LiteCart.Net with a dropdown form, in future versions.
Manipulating the column left in the current version is a headache. Yes the next version will be much easier.
When I saw your reply it reminded me to try this out. I re-added the snippet for the login form and I can see that the 'order history' and 'edit account' functionality is there. I have not made any orders yet so I do not know if there is 'cancel' or 'reorder' functionality on 'order history' The one big thing missing is that when I go to 'edit account' that menu is gone, same for 'order history'. A customer that isn't tech savvy would get confused by losing the navigation. I will be waiting for version 2 to deploy and building my catalog and categories and so on until that is ready. 
Hi Rob,

You can modify that easily by including the entire left-column in the necessary pages. You can create a vQmod file and have it add a line of code that will make sure the left-column will display. You need to add it into the pages/ and pages/

Like after the breadcrumbs, you can add:
include vmod::check(FS_DIR_HTTP_ROOT . WS_DIR_INCLUDES . '');
and it will display the column on those pages.

I agree that it is a big plus to have the column remain in place on those pages.
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