Undefined index warning

Got this warning on the product page:

Notice: Undefined index: name in ~/pages/product.inc.php (Line 348)

Notice: Undefined index: description in ~/pages/product.inc.php (Line 349)

Lines 348 and 349 in product.inc.php look like this

'name' => $group['name'],
 'description' => $group['description'],

something to do with missing translations I suppose, but not being a programmer I can not find the culprit so any help would be highly appreciated.
Well done debugging. It makes it easier to respond to your question.

I believe this resides from option groups. That you added a language after creating the option groups. LiteCart attempts to sort out these issues itself by grabbing the english language. But there may be some places where this behavior needs to be appended.

Try editing option groups and saving them again. That should create the missing rows in the database.
The problem is that: Option Groups: 0 so there is nothing to be edited. I don't think I have ever used one - no idea what those are for but will google this out in a moment ;-)
Ok, found the culprit - an option (empty) was added in the product configuration page - deletion thereof solved this problem - thanks for tips :-)
Alright, that explains why it cannot pair with a name and description. :)
Yes. From the other hand one should not be able to create an option within the product if there are no options at all - just something to consider in future releases :-)
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